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Checking Job State

When there's an issue with a Gobblin job to troubleshoot, it is often helpful to check the state of the job persisted in the state store. Gobblin provides a tool `gobblin-dist/bin/' for checking job states. The tool print job state(s) as a Json document that are easily readable. The usage of the tool is as follows:

 -a,--all                                  Whether to convert all past job
                                           states of the given job
 -i,--id <gobblin job id>                  Gobblin job id
 -kc,--keepConfig                          Whether to keep all
                                           configuration properties
 -n,--name <gobblin job name>              Gobblin job name
 -u,--storeurl <gobblin state store URL>   Gobblin state store root path

For example, assume that the state store is located at file://gobblin/state-store/, to check the job state of the most recent run of a job named "Foo", run the following command: -u file://gobblin/state-store/ -n Foo

To check the job state of a particular run (say, with job ID job_Foo_123456) of job "Foo", run the following command: -u file://gobblin/state-store/ -n Foo -i job_Foo_123456

To check the job states of all past runs of job "Foo", run the following command: -u file://gobblin/state-store/ -n Foo -a

To include job configuration in the output Json document, add option -kc or --keepConfig in the command.

A sample output Json document is as follows:

    "job name": "GobblinMRTest",
    "job id": "job_GobblinMRTest_1425622600239",
    "job state": "COMMITTED",
    "start time": 1425622600240,
    "end time": 1425622601326,
    "duration": 1086,
    "tasks": 4,
    "completed tasks": 4,
    "task states": [
            "task id": "task_GobblinMRTest_1425622600239_3",
            "task state": "COMMITTED",
            "start time": 1425622600383,
            "end time": 1425622600395,
            "duration": 12,
            "high watermark": -1,
            "retry count": 0
            "task id": "task_GobblinMRTest_1425622600239_2",
            "task state": "COMMITTED",
            "start time": 1425622600354,
            "end time": 1425622600374,
            "duration": 20,
            "high watermark": -1,
            "retry count": 0
            "task id": "task_GobblinMRTest_1425622600239_1",
            "task state": "COMMITTED",
            "start time": 1425622600325,
            "end time": 1425622600344,
            "duration": 19,
            "high watermark": -1,
            "retry count": 0
            "task id": "task_GobblinMRTest_1425622600239_0",
            "task state": "COMMITTED",
            "start time": 1425622600405,
            "end time": 1425622600421,
            "duration": 16,
            "high watermark": -1,
            "retry count": 0